For insights on how to tune HDBSCAN parameters, read""")
parser.add_argument('encodings',type=str,help='.npy file containing umap projections and their associated index in the detection.pkl table (built using')
parser.add_argument('detections',type=str,help=".csv file with detections to be encoded. Columns filename (path of the soundfile) and pos (center of the detection in seconds) are needed")
#parser.add_argument('audio_folder', type=str, help='Path to the folder with complete audio files')
parser.add_argument("-audio_folder",type=str,default='./',help="Folder from which to load sound files")
parser.add_argument("-SR",type=int,default=44100,help="Sample rate of the samples before spectrogram computation")
parser.add_argument("-nMel",type=int,default=128,help="Number of Mel bands for the spectrogram (either 64 or 128)")