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Commit bbdc365a authored by Franck Dary's avatar Franck Dary
Browse files

Started to work on states

parent 0d5dffb6
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......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ class Config :
self.predicted = predicted
self.wordIndex = 0
self.maxWordIndex = 0 #To keep a track of the max value, in case of backtrack
self.state = 0 #State of the analysis (e.g. 0=tagger, 1=parser)
self.stack = []
self.comments = []
self.history = []
......@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ class Config :
printedCols = ["ID","FORM","UPOS","HEAD","DEPREL"]
left = 5
right = 5
print("state :", self.state, file=output)
print("stack :",[self.getAsFeature(ind, "ID") for ind in self.stack], file=output)
print("history :",[str(trans) for trans in self.history[-10:]], file=output)
print("historyPop :",[(str(c[0]),"dat:"+str(c[1]),"mvt:"+str(c[2]),"reward:"+str(c[3])) for c in self.historyPop[-10:]], file=output)
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import torch
def randomDecode(ts, strat, config, debug=False) :
EOS = Transition("EOS")
config.state = 0
while True :
candidates = [trans for trans in ts if trans.appliable(config)]
if len(candidates) == 0 :
......@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ def randomDecode(ts, strat, config, debug=False) :
def oracleDecode(ts, strat, config, debug=False) :
EOS = Transition("EOS")
config.state = 0
moved = True
while moved :
missingLinks = getMissingLinks(config)
......@@ -44,9 +46,10 @@ def oracleDecode(ts, strat, config, debug=False) :
def decodeModel(ts, strat, config, network, dicts, debug, rewardFunc) :
def decodeModel(transitionSets, strat, config, network, dicts, debug, rewardFunc) :
EOS = Transition("EOS")
config.state = 0
moved = True
......@@ -59,6 +62,8 @@ def decodeModel(ts, strat, config, network, dicts, debug, rewardFunc) :
with torch.no_grad():
while moved :
ts = transitionSets[config.state]
features = network.extractFeatures(dicts, config).unsqueeze(0).to(decodeDevice)
output = network(features)
scores = sorted([[float(output[0][index]), ts[index].appliable(config), ts[index]] for index in range(len(ts))])[::-1]
......@@ -5,11 +5,12 @@ import Features
class BaseNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, dicts, outputSize, incremental) :
def __init__(self, dicts, outputSizes, incremental) :
self.dummyParam = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(0), requires_grad=False)
self.incremental = incremental
self.state = 0
self.featureFunction = "b.-2 b.-1 b.0 b.1 b.2 s.0 s.1 s.2 s.0.0 s.0.-1 s.0.1 s.1.0 s.1.-1 s.1.1 s.2.0 s.2.-1 s.2.1"
self.historyNb = 5
self.suffixSize = 4
......@@ -19,15 +20,19 @@ class BaseNet(nn.Module):
self.embSize = 64
self.nbTargets = len(self.featureFunction.split())
self.inputSize = len(self.columns)*self.nbTargets+self.historyNb+self.suffixSize+self.prefixSize
self.outputSize = outputSize
self.outputSizes = outputSizes
for name in dicts.dicts :
self.add_module("emb_"+name, nn.Embedding(len(dicts.dicts[name]), self.embSize))
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(self.inputSize * self.embSize, 1600)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(1600, outputSize)
for i in range(len(outputSizes)) :
self.add_module("output_"+str(i), nn.Linear(1600, outputSizes[i]))
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.3)
def setState(self, state) :
self.state = state
def forward(self, x) :
embeddings = []
for i in range(len(self.columns)) :
......@@ -48,7 +53,7 @@ class BaseNet(nn.Module):
curIndex = curIndex+self.suffixSize
y = self.dropout(y)
y = F.relu(self.dropout(self.fc1(y)))
y = self.fc2(y)
y = getattr(self, "output_"+str(self.state))(y)
return y
def currentDevice(self) :
......@@ -70,11 +75,12 @@ class BaseNet(nn.Module):
class LSTMNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, dicts, outputSize, incremental) :
def __init__(self, dicts, outputSizes, incremental) :
self.dummyParam = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(0), requires_grad=False)
self.incremental = incremental
self.state = 0
self.featureFunctionLSTM = "b.-2 b.-1 b.0 b.1 b.2"
self.featureFunction = "s.0 s.1 s.2 s.0.0 s.0.-1 s.0.1 s.1.0 s.1.-1 s.1.1 s.2.0 s.2.-1 s.2.1"
self.historyNb = 5
......@@ -91,11 +97,15 @@ class LSTMNet(nn.Module):
self.lstmFeat = nn.LSTM(len(self.columns)*self.embSize, len(self.columns)*int(self.embSize/2), 1, batch_first=True, bidirectional = True)
self.lstmHist = nn.LSTM(self.embSize, int(self.embSize/2), 1, batch_first=True, bidirectional = True)
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(self.inputSize * self.embSize, 1600)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(1600, outputSize)
for i in range(len(outputSizes)) :
self.add_module("output_"+str(i), nn.Linear(1600, outputSizes[i]))
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.3)
def setState(self, state) :
self.state = state
def forward(self, x) :
embeddings = []
embeddingsLSTM = []
......@@ -116,7 +126,7 @@ class LSTMNet(nn.Module):
y =[y, historyEmb],-1)
y = self.dropout(y)
y = F.relu(self.dropout(self.fc1(y)))
y = self.fc2(y)
y = getattr(self, "output_"+str(self.state))(y)
return y
def currentDevice(self) :
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from Util import getDevice
class ReplayMemory() :
def __init__(self, capacity, stateSize) :
def __init__(self, capacity, stateSize, nbStates) :
self.capacity = capacity
self.states = torch.zeros(capacity, stateSize, dtype=torch.long, device=getDevice())
self.newStates = torch.zeros(capacity, stateSize, dtype=torch.long, device=getDevice())
......@@ -32,13 +32,16 @@ def trainMode(debug, filename, type, transitionSet, strategy, modelDir, nbIter,
def extractExamples(debug, ts, strat, config, dicts, network, dynamic) :
examples = []
# Return list of examples for each transitionSet
def extractExamples(debug, transitionSets, strat, config, dicts, network, dynamic) :
examples = [[] for _ in transitionSets]
with torch.no_grad() :
EOS = Transition("EOS")
config.state = 0
moved = True
while moved :
ts = transitionSets[config.state]
missingLinks = getMissingLinks(config)
candidates = sorted([[trans.getOracleScore(config, missingLinks), trans] for trans in ts if trans.appliable(config) and "BACK" not in])
if len(candidates) == 0 :
......@@ -51,6 +54,7 @@ def extractExamples(debug, ts, strat, config, dicts, network, dynamic) :
print(str([[c[0],str(c[1])] for c in candidates])+"\n"+("-"*80)+"\n", file=sys.stderr)
if dynamic :
output = network(features.unsqueeze(0).to(getDevice()))
scores = sorted([[float(output[0][index]), ts[index].appliable(config), ts[index]] for index in range(len(ts))])[::-1]
candidate = [[cand[0],cand[2]] for cand in scores if cand[1]][0][1]
......@@ -59,7 +63,7 @@ def extractExamples(debug, ts, strat, config, dicts, network, dynamic) :
goldIndex = [str(trans) for trans in ts].index(str(candidateOracle))
example =[torch.LongTensor([goldIndex]), features])
moved = applyTransition(strat, config, candidate, None)
......@@ -94,19 +98,28 @@ def evalModelAndSave(debug, model, ts, strat, dicts, modelDir, devFile, bestLoss
def trainModelOracle(debug, modelDir, filename, nbEpochs, batchSize, devFile, transitionSet, strategy, sentencesOriginal, bootstrapInterval, incremental, rewardFunc, lr, predicted, silent=False) :
def trainModelOracle(debug, modelDir, filename, nbEpochs, batchSize, devFile, transitionSets, strategy, sentencesOriginal, bootstrapInterval, incremental, rewardFunc, lr, predicted, silent=False) :
dicts = Dicts()
dicts.readConllu(filename, ["FORM","UPOS","LETTER"], 2)
dicts.addDict("HISTORY", {**{str(t) : (transitionSet.index(t),0) for t in transitionSet}, **{dicts.nullToken : (len(transitionSet),0)}})
transitionNames = {}
for ts in transitionSets :
for t in ts :
transitionNames[str(t)] = (len(transitionNames), 0)
transitionNames[dicts.nullToken] = (len(transitionNames), 0)
dicts.addDict("HISTORY", transitionNames)"/dicts.json")
network = Networks.BaseNet(dicts, len(transitionSet), incremental).to(getDevice())
examples = []
network = Networks.BaseNet(dicts, [len(transitionSet) for transitionSet in transitionSets], incremental).to(getDevice())
examples = [[] for _ in transitionSets]
sentences = copy.deepcopy(sentencesOriginal)
print("%s : Starting to extract examples..."%(timeStamp()), file=sys.stderr)
for config in sentences :
examples += extractExamples(debug, transitionSet, strategy, config, dicts, network, False)
extracted = extractExamples(debug, transitionSets, strategy, config, dicts, network, False)
for e in range(len(examples)) :
examples[e] += extracted[e]
print("%s : Extracted %s examples"%(timeStamp(), prettyInt(len(examples), 3)), file=sys.stderr)
examples = torch.stack(examples)
for e in range(len(examples)) :
examples[e] = torch.stack(examples[e])
print("%s : Model has %s parameters"%(timeStamp(), prettyInt((numParameters(network)), 3)), file=sys.stderr)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(network.parameters(), lr=lr)
......@@ -119,9 +132,12 @@ def trainModelOracle(debug, modelDir, filename, nbEpochs, batchSize, devFile, tr
sentences = copy.deepcopy(sentencesOriginal)
print("%s : Starting to extract dynamic examples..."%(timeStamp()), file=sys.stderr)
for config in sentences :
examples += extractExamples(debug, transitionSet, strategy, config, dicts, network, True)
extracted = extractExamples(debug, transitionSets, strategy, config, dicts, network, True)
for e in range(len(examples)) :
examples[e] += extracted[e]
print("%s : Extracted %s examples"%(timeStamp(), prettyInt(len(examples), 3)), file=sys.stderr)
examples = torch.stack(examples)
for e in range(len(examples)) :
examples[e] = torch.stack(examples[e])
examples = examples.index_select(0, torch.randperm(examples.size(0)))
......@@ -145,20 +161,25 @@ def trainModelOracle(debug, modelDir, filename, nbEpochs, batchSize, devFile, tr
totalLoss += float(loss)
bestLoss, bestScore = evalModelAndSave(debug, network, transitionSet, strategy, dicts, modelDir, devFile, bestLoss, totalLoss, bestScore, epoch, nbEpochs, incremental, rewardFunc, predicted)
bestLoss, bestScore = evalModelAndSave(debug, network, transitionSets, strategy, dicts, modelDir, devFile, bestLoss, totalLoss, bestScore, epoch, nbEpochs, incremental, rewardFunc, predicted)
def trainModelRl(debug, modelDir, filename, nbIter, batchSize, devFile, transitionSet, strategy, sentencesOriginal, incremental, rewardFunc, lr, gamma, probas, countBreak, predicted, silent=False) :
def trainModelRl(debug, modelDir, filename, nbIter, batchSize, devFile, transitionSets, strategy, sentencesOriginal, incremental, rewardFunc, lr, gamma, probas, countBreak, predicted, silent=False) :
memory = None
dicts = Dicts()
dicts.readConllu(filename, ["FORM","UPOS","LETTER"], 2)
dicts.addDict("HISTORY", {**{str(t) : (transitionSet.index(t),0) for t in transitionSet}, **{dicts.nullToken : (len(transitionSet),0)}})
transitionNames = {}
for ts in transitionSets :
for t in ts :
transitionNames[str(t)] = (len(transitionNames), 0)
transitionNames[dicts.nullToken] = (len(transitionNames), 0)
dicts.addDict("HISTORY", transitionNames) + "/dicts.json")
policy_net = Networks.BaseNet(dicts, len(transitionSet), incremental).to(getDevice())
target_net = Networks.BaseNet(dicts, len(transitionSet), incremental).to(getDevice())
policy_net = Networks.BaseNet(dicts, [len(transitionSet) for transitionSet in transitionSets], incremental).to(getDevice())
target_net = Networks.BaseNet(dicts, [len(transitionSet) for transitionSet in transitionSets], incremental).to(getDevice())
......@@ -193,6 +214,7 @@ def trainModelRl(debug, modelDir, filename, nbIter, batchSize, devFile, transiti
while True :
missingLinks = getMissingLinks(sentence)
transitionSet = transitionSets[sentence.state]
if debug :
action = selectAction(policy_net, state, transitionSet, sentence, missingLinks, probaRandom, probaOracle)
......@@ -208,7 +230,7 @@ def trainModelRl(debug, modelDir, filename, nbIter, batchSize, devFile, transiti
reward_ = rewarding(appliable, sentence, action, missingLinks, rewardFunc)
reward = torch.FloatTensor([reward_]).to(getDevice())
#newState = None
newState = None
if appliable :
applyTransition(strategy, sentence, action, reward_)
newState = policy_net.extractFeatures(dicts, sentence).to(getDevice())
......@@ -233,6 +255,6 @@ def trainModelRl(debug, modelDir, filename, nbIter, batchSize, devFile, transiti
if i >= nbExByEpoch :
sentIndex += 1
bestLoss, bestScore = evalModelAndSave(debug, policy_net, transitionSet, strategy, dicts, modelDir, devFile, bestLoss, totalLoss, bestScore, epoch, nbIter, incremental, rewardFunc, predicted)
bestLoss, bestScore = evalModelAndSave(debug, policy_net, transitionSets, strategy, dicts, modelDir, devFile, bestLoss, totalLoss, bestScore, epoch, nbIter, incremental, rewardFunc, predicted)
......@@ -284,12 +284,14 @@ def applyTag(config, colName, tag) :
def applyTransition(strat, config, transition, reward) :
movement = strat[] if in strat else 0
movement = strat[][0] if in strat else 0
newState = strat[][1] if in strat else -1
transition.apply(config, strat)
moved = config.moveWordIndex(movement)
movement = movement if moved else 0
if len(config.historyPop) > 0 and "BACK" not in :
config.historyPop[-1] = (config.historyPop[-1][0], config.historyPop[-1][1], movement, reward)
config.state = newState
return moved
......@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ from Transition import Transition
from Util import isEmpty
def printTS(ts, output) :
print("Transition Set :", [" ".join(map(str,[e for e in [, trans.size, trans.colName, trans.argument] if e is not None])) for trans in transitionSet], file=output)
def printTS(transitionSet, output) :
for ts in transitionSet :
print("Transition Set :", [" ".join(map(str,[e for e in [, trans.size, trans.colName, trans.argument] if e is not None])) for trans in ts], file=output)
......@@ -78,38 +79,42 @@ if __name__ == "__main__" :
args.bootstrap = int(args.bootstrap)
if args.transitions == "eager" :
transitionSet = [Transition(elem) for elem in (["SHIFT","REDUCE","LEFT","RIGHT"]+args.ts.split(',')) if len(elem) > 0]
transitionSets = [[Transition(elem) for elem in (["SHIFT","REDUCE","LEFT","RIGHT"]+args.ts.split(',')) if len(elem) > 0]]
args.predicted = "HEAD"
args.states = ["parser"]
strategy = {"RIGHT" : (1,0), "SHIFT" : (1,0), "LEFT" : (0,0), "REDUCE" : (0,0)}
elif args.transitions == "tagparser" :
tmpDicts = Dicts()
tmpDicts.readConllu(args.corpus, ["UPOS"], 0)
tagActions = ["TAG UPOS %s"%p for p in tmpDicts.getElementsOf("UPOS") if "__" not in p and not isEmpty(p)]
transitionSet = [Transition(elem) for elem in (["SHIFT","REDUCE","LEFT","RIGHT"]+tagActions+args.ts.split(',')) if len(elem) > 0]
transitionSets = [[Transition(elem) for elem in (tagActions+args.ts.split(',')) if len(elem) > 0], [Transition(elem) for elem in (["SHIFT","REDUCE","LEFT","RIGHT"]+args.ts.split(',')) if len(elem) > 0]]
args.predictedStr = "HEAD,UPOS"
args.states = ["tagger", "parser"]
strategy = {"RIGHT" : (1,0), "SHIFT" : (1,0), "LEFT" : (0,1), "REDUCE" : (0,1), "TAG" : (0,1)}
elif args.transitions == "swift" :
transitionSet = [Transition(elem) for elem in (["SHIFT"]+["LEFT "+str(n) for n in range(1,6)]+["RIGHT "+str(n) for n in range(1,6)]+args.ts.split(',')) if len(elem) > 0]
transitionSets = [[Transition(elem) for elem in (["SHIFT"]+["LEFT "+str(n) for n in range(1,6)]+["RIGHT "+str(n) for n in range(1,6)]+args.ts.split(',')) if len(elem) > 0]]
args.predictedStr = "HEAD"
args.states = ["parser"]
strategy = {"RIGHT" : (1,0), "SHIFT" : (1,0), "LEFT" : (0,0), "REDUCE" : (0,0)}
else :
raise Exception("Unknown transition set '%s'"%args.transitions)
strategy = {"RIGHT" : 1, "SHIFT" : 1, "LEFT" : 0, "REDUCE" : 0, "TAG" : 0}
if args.mode == "train" :
args.predicted = set({colName for colName in args.predictedStr.split(',')})
json.dump([args.predictedStr, [str(t) for t in transitionSet]], open(args.model+"/transitions.json", "w"))
json.dump([args.predictedStr, [[str(t) for t in transitionSet] for transitionSet in transitionSets]], open(args.model+"/transitions.json", "w"))
json.dump(strategy, open(args.model+"/strategy.json", "w"))
printTS(transitionSet, sys.stderr)
printTS(transitionSets, sys.stderr)
probas = [list(map(float, args.probaRandom.split(','))), list(map(float, args.probaOracle.split(',')))]
Train.trainMode(args.debug, args.corpus, args.type, transitionSet, strategy, args.model, int(args.iter), int(args.batchSize),, args.bootstrap, args.incr, args.reward, float(, float(args.gamma), probas, int(args.countBreak), args.predicted, args.silent)
Train.trainMode(args.debug, args.corpus, args.type, transitionSets, strategy, args.model, int(args.iter), int(args.batchSize),, args.bootstrap, args.incr, args.reward, float(, float(args.gamma), probas, int(args.countBreak), args.predicted, args.silent)
elif args.mode == "decode" :
transInfos = json.load(open(args.model+"/transitions.json", "r"))
transNames = json.load(open(args.model+"/transitions.json", "r"))[1]
args.predictedStr = transInfos[0]
args.predicted = set({colName for colName in args.predictedStr.split(',')})
transitionSet = [Transition(elem) for elem in transNames]
transitionSets = [[Transition(elem) for elem in transNames]for ts in transNames]
strategy = json.load(open(args.model+"/strategy.json", "r"))
printTS(transitionSet, sys.stderr)
Decode.decodeMode(args.debug, args.corpus, args.type, transitionSet, strategy, args.reward, args.predicted, args.model)
printTS(transitionSets, sys.stderr)
Decode.decodeMode(args.debug, args.corpus, args.type, transitionSets, strategy, args.reward, args.predicted, args.model)
else :
print("ERROR : unknown mode '%s'"%args.mode, file=sys.stderr)
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