Franck Dary authoredFranck Dary authored
Train.py 8.40 KiB
import sys
import random
import torch
import copy
from Transition import Transition, getMissingLinks, applyTransition
import Features
from Dicts import Dicts
from Util import timeStamp, prettyInt, numParameters, getDevice
from Rl import ReplayMemory, selectAction, optimizeModel
import Networks
import Decode
import Config
from conll18_ud_eval import load_conllu, evaluate
def trainMode(debug, filename, type, modelDir, nbIter, batchSize, devFile, silent=False) :
transitionSet = [Transition(elem) for elem in ["RIGHT", "LEFT", "SHIFT", "REDUCE"]]
strategy = {"RIGHT" : 1, "SHIFT" : 1, "LEFT" : 0, "REDUCE" : 0}
sentences = Config.readConllu(filename)
if type == "oracle" :
trainModelOracle(debug, modelDir, filename, nbIter, batchSize, devFile, transitionSet, strategy, sentences, silent)
if type == "rl":
trainModelRl(debug, modelDir, filename, nbIter, batchSize, devFile, transitionSet, strategy, sentences, silent)
print("ERROR : unknown type '%s'"%type, file=sys.stderr)
def extractExamples(ts, strat, config, dicts, debug=False) :
examples = []
EOS = Transition("EOS")
moved = True
while moved :
missingLinks = getMissingLinks(config)
candidates = sorted([[trans.getOracleScore(config, missingLinks), trans.name] for trans in ts if trans.appliable(config)])
if len(candidates) == 0 :
candidate = candidates[0][1]
candidateIndex = [trans.name for trans in ts].index(candidate)
features = Features.extractFeatures(dicts, config)
example = torch.cat([torch.LongTensor([candidateIndex]), features])
if debug :
print(str(candidates)+"\n"+("-"*80)+"\n", file=sys.stderr)
moved = applyTransition(ts, strat, config, candidate)
return examples
def evalModelAndSave(debug, model, dicts, modelDir, devFile, bestLoss, totalLoss, bestScore, epoch, nbIter) :
devScore = ""
saved = True if bestLoss is None else totalLoss < bestLoss
bestLoss = totalLoss if bestLoss is None else min(bestLoss, totalLoss)
if devFile is not None :
outFilename = modelDir+"/predicted_dev.conllu"
Decode.decodeMode(debug, devFile, "model", modelDir, model, dicts, open(outFilename, "w"))
res = evaluate(load_conllu(open(devFile, "r")), load_conllu(open(outFilename, "r")), [])
UAS = res["UAS"][0].f1
score = UAS
saved = True if bestScore is None else score > bestScore
bestScore = score if bestScore is None else max(bestScore, score)
devScore = ", Dev : UAS=%.2f"%(UAS)
if saved :
torch.save(model, modelDir+"/network.pt")
print("{} : Epoch {:{}}/{}, loss={:6.2f}{} {}".format(timeStamp(), epoch, len(str(nbIter)), nbIter, totalLoss, devScore, "SAVED" if saved else ""), file=sys.stderr)
return bestLoss, bestScore
def trainModelOracle(debug, modelDir, filename, nbEpochs, batchSize, devFile, transitionSet, strategy, sentences, silent=False) :
examples = []
dicts = Dicts()
dicts.readConllu(filename, ["FORM", "UPOS"])
print("%s : Starting to extract examples..."%(timeStamp()), file=sys.stderr)
for config in sentences :
examples += extractExamples(transitionSet, strategy, config, dicts, debug)
print("%s : Extracted %s examples"%(timeStamp(), prettyInt(len(examples), 3)), file=sys.stderr)
examples = torch.stack(examples)
network = Networks.BaseNet(dicts, examples[0].size(0)-1, len(transitionSet)).to(getDevice())
print("%s : Model has %s parameters"%(timeStamp(), prettyInt((numParameters(network)), 3)), file=sys.stderr)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(network.parameters(), lr=0.0001)
lossFct = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
bestLoss = None
bestScore = None
for epoch in range(1,nbEpochs+1) :
examples = examples.index_select(0, torch.randperm(examples.size(0)))
totalLoss = 0.0
nbEx = 0
printInterval = 2000
advancement = 0
for batchIndex in range(0,examples.size(0)-batchSize,batchSize) :
batch = examples[batchIndex:batchIndex+batchSize].to(getDevice())
targets = batch[:,:1].view(-1)
inputs = batch[:,1:]
nbEx += targets.size(0)
advancement += targets.size(0)
if not silent and advancement >= printInterval :
advancement = 0
print("Curent epoch %6.2f%%"%(100.0*nbEx/examples.size(0)), end="\r", file=sys.stderr)
outputs = network(inputs)
loss = lossFct(outputs, targets)
totalLoss += float(loss)
bestLoss, bestScore = evalModelAndSave(debug, network, dicts, modelDir, devFile, bestLoss, totalLoss, bestScore, epoch, nbEpochs)
def trainModelRl(debug, modelDir, filename, nbIter, batchSize, devFile, transitionSet, strategy, sentencesOriginal, silent=False) :
memory = None
dicts = Dicts()
dicts.readConllu(filename, ["FORM", "UPOS"])
dicts.save(modelDir + "/dicts.json")
policy_net = None
target_net = None
optimizer = None
bestLoss = None
bestScore = None
sentences = copy.deepcopy(sentencesOriginal)
nbExByEpoch = sum(map(len,sentences))
sentIndex = 0
for epoch in range(1,nbIter+1) :
i = 0
totalLoss = 0.0
while True :
if sentIndex >= len(sentences) :
sentences = copy.deepcopy(sentencesOriginal)
sentIndex = 0
if not silent :
print("Curent epoch %6.2f%%"%(100.0*i/nbExByEpoch), end="\r", file=sys.stderr)
sentence = sentences[sentIndex]
state = Features.extractFeaturesPosExtended(dicts, sentence).to(getDevice())
if policy_net is None :
policy_net = Networks.BaseNet(dicts, state.numel(), len(transitionSet)).to(getDevice())
target_net = Networks.BaseNet(dicts, state.numel(), len(transitionSet)).to(getDevice())
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(policy_net.parameters(), lr=0.0001)
print("%s : Model has %s parameters"%(timeStamp(), prettyInt((numParameters(policy_net)), 3)), file=sys.stderr)
while True :
missingLinks = getMissingLinks(sentence)
if debug :
action = selectAction(policy_net, state, transitionSet, sentence, missingLinks, probaRandom=0.3, probaOracle=0.15)
if action is None :
appliable = action.appliable(sentence)
# Reward for doing an illegal action
reward = -3.0
if appliable :
reward = -1.0*action.getOracleScore(sentence, missingLinks)
reward = torch.FloatTensor([reward]).to(getDevice())
newState = None
if appliable :
applyTransition(transitionSet, strategy, sentence, action.name)
newState = Features.extractFeaturesPosExtended(dicts, sentence).to(getDevice())
if memory is None :
memory = ReplayMemory(5000, state.numel())
memory.push(state, torch.LongTensor([transitionSet.index(action)]).to(getDevice()), newState, reward)
state = newState
if i % batchSize == 0 :
totalLoss += optimizeModel(batchSize, policy_net, target_net, memory, optimizer)
if i % (2*batchSize) == 0 :
i += 1
if state is None :
if i >= nbExByEpoch :
sentIndex += 1
bestLoss, bestScore = evalModelAndSave(debug, policy_net, dicts, modelDir, devFile, bestLoss, totalLoss, bestScore, epoch, nbIter)