Franck Dary authoredFranck Dary authored
macaon_decode.cpp 3.04 KiB
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <filesystem>
#include "util.hpp"
#include "Decoder.hpp"
namespace po = boost::program_options;
po::options_description getOptionsDescription()
po::options_description desc("Command-Line Arguments ");
po::options_description req("Required");
("model", po::value<std::string>()->required(),
"Directory containing the trained machine used to decode")
("inputTSV", po::value<std::string>(),
"File containing the text to decode, TSV file")
("inputTXT", po::value<std::string>(),
"File containing the text to decode, raw text file")
("mcd", po::value<std::string>()->required(),
"Multi Column Description file that describes the input/output format");
po::options_description opt("Optional");
("debug,d", "Print debuging infos on stderr")
("help,h", "Produce this help message");
return desc;
po::variables_map checkOptions(po::options_description & od, int argc, char ** argv)
po::variables_map vm;
try {po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, od), vm);}
catch(std::exception & e) {util::myThrow(e.what());}
if (vm.count("help"))
std::stringstream ss;
ss << od;
fmt::print(stderr, "{}\n", ss.str());
try {po::notify(vm);}
catch(std::exception& e) {util::myThrow(e.what());}
if (vm.count("inputTSV") + vm.count("inputTXT") != 1)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << od;
fmt::print(stderr, "Error : one and only one input format must be specified.\n{}\n", ss.str());
return vm;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
auto od = getOptionsDescription();
auto variables = checkOptions(od, argc, argv);
std::filesystem::path modelPath(variables["model"].as<std::string>());
auto machinePath = modelPath / ReadingMachine::defaultMachineFilename;
auto dictPaths = util::findFilesByExtension(modelPath, fmt::format(ReadingMachine::defaultDictFilename, ""));
auto modelPaths = util::findFilesByExtension(modelPath, fmt::format(ReadingMachine::defaultModelFilename, ""));
auto inputTSV = variables.count("inputTSV") ? variables["inputTSV"].as<std::string>() : "";
auto inputTXT = variables.count("inputTXT") ? variables["inputTXT"].as<std::string>() : "";
auto mcdFile = variables["mcd"].as<std::string>();
bool debug = variables.count("debug") == 0 ? false : true;
if (dictPaths.empty())
util::error(fmt::format("no '{}' files were found, and none were given. Has the model been trained yet ?", fmt::format(ReadingMachine::defaultDictFilename, "")));
if (modelPaths.empty())
util::error(fmt::format("no '{}' files were found, and none were given. Has the model been trained yet ?", fmt::format(ReadingMachine::defaultModelFilename, "")));
ReadingMachine machine(machinePath, modelPaths, dictPaths);
Decoder decoder(machine);
BaseConfig config(mcdFile, inputTSV, inputTXT);
decoder.decode(config, 1, debug);
} catch(std::exception & e) {util::error(e);}
return 0;