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Transition.cpp 15.6 KiB
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  • #include "Transition.hpp"
    #include <regex>
    Transition::Transition(const std::string & name)
      std::vector<std::pair<std::regex, std::function<void(const std::smatch &)>>> inits
        {std::regex("WRITE ([bs])\\.(.+) (.+) (.+)"),
          [this](auto sm){(initWrite(sm[3], sm[1], sm[2], sm[4]));}},
        {std::regex("ADD ([bs])\\.(.+) (.+) (.+)"),
          [this](auto sm){(initAdd(sm[3], sm[1], sm[2], sm[4]));}},
        {std::regex("eager_LEFT_rel (.+)"),
          [this](auto sm){(initEagerLeft_rel(sm[1]));}},
        {std::regex("eager_RIGHT_rel (.+)"),
          [this](auto sm){(initEagerRight_rel(sm[1]));}},
        {std::regex("deprel (.+)"),
          [this](auto sm){(initDeprel(sm[1]));}},
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        {std::regex("EOS b\\.(.+)"),
          [this](auto sm){initEOS(std::stoi(sm[1]));}},
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        {std::regex("SPLIT (.+)"),
          [this](auto sm){(initSplit(std::stoi(sm.str(1))));}},
        {std::regex("SPLITWORD ([^@]+)(:?(:?@[^@]+)+)"),
          [this](auto sm)
            std::vector<std::string> splitRes{sm[1]};
            auto splited = util::split(std::string(sm[2]), '@');
            for (auto & s : splited)
      if (!util::doIfNameMatch(std::regex("(<(.+)> )?(.+)"), name, [this, name](auto sm)
              this->state = sm[2];
              this->name = sm[3];
        util::myThrow("doesn't match nameRegex");
      for (auto & it : inits)
        if (util::doIfNameMatch(it.first, this->name, it.second))
      } catch (std::exception & e) {util::myThrow(fmt::format("Invalid name '{}' ({})", this->name, e.what()));}
    void Transition::apply(Config & config)
      for (Action & action : sequence)
        action.apply(config, action);
    bool Transition::appliable(const Config & config) const
      if (!state.empty() && state != config.getState())
        return false;
      for (const Action & action : sequence)
        if (!action.appliable(config, action))
          return false;
      return true;
    int Transition::getCost(const Config & config) const
      return cost(config);
    const std::string & Transition::getName() const
      return name;
    void Transition::initWrite(std::string colName, std::string object, std::string index, std::string value)
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      auto objectValue = Config::str2object(object);
      int indexValue = std::stoi(index);
      sequence.emplace_back(Action::addHypothesisRelative(colName, objectValue, indexValue, value));
      cost = [colName, objectValue, indexValue, value](const Config & config)
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        int lineIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(objectValue, indexValue);
        if (config.getConst(colName, lineIndex, 0) == value)
          return 0;
    void Transition::initAdd(std::string colName, std::string object, std::string index, std::string value)
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      auto objectValue = Config::str2object(object);
      int indexValue = std::stoi(index);
      sequence.emplace_back(Action::addToHypothesisRelative(colName, objectValue, indexValue, value));
      cost = [colName, objectValue, indexValue, value](const Config & config)
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        int lineIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(objectValue, indexValue);
        auto gold = util::split(config.getConst(colName, lineIndex, 0).get(), '|');
        for (auto & part : gold)
          if (part == value)
            return 0;
        return 1;
    void Transition::initNothing()
      cost = [](const Config &)
        return 0;
    void Transition::initIgnoreChar()
      cost = [](const Config &)
        return 0;
    void Transition::initEndWord()
      cost = [](const Config & config)
        if (config.getConst("FORM", config.getWordIndex(), 0) == config.getAsFeature("FORM", config.getWordIndex()))
          return 0;
        return 1;
    void Transition::initAddCharToWord()
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      sequence.emplace_back(Action::assertIsEmpty(Config::idColName, Config::Object::Buffer, 0));
      cost = [](const Config & config)
        if (!config.hasCharacter(config.getCharacterIndex()))
          return std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        auto letter = fmt::format("{}", config.getLetter(config.getCharacterIndex()));
        auto & goldWord = config.getConst("FORM", config.getWordIndex(), 0).get();
        auto & curWord = config.getAsFeature("FORM", config.getWordIndex()).get();
        if (curWord.size() + letter.size() > goldWord.size())
          return 1;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < letter.size(); i++)
          if (goldWord[curWord.size()+i] != letter[i])
            return 1;
        return 0;
    void Transition::initSplitWord(std::vector<std::string> words)
      auto consumedWord = util::splitAsUtf8(words[0]);
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      sequence.emplace_back(Action::assertIsEmpty(Config::idColName, Config::Object::Buffer, 0));
      sequence.emplace_back(Action::assertIsEmpty("FORM", Config::Object::Buffer, 0));
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++)
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        sequence.emplace_back(Action::addHypothesisRelative("FORM", Config::Object::Buffer, i, words[i]));
      cost = [words](const Config & config)
        if (!config.isMultiword(config.getWordIndex()))
          return std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        if (config.getMultiwordSize(config.getWordIndex())+2 != (int)words.size())
          return std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        int cost = 0;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++)
          if (!config.has("FORM", config.getWordIndex()+i, 0) or config.getConst("FORM", config.getWordIndex()+i, 0) != words[i])
        return cost;
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    void Transition::initSplit(int index)
      cost = [index](const Config & config)
        auto & transitions = config.getAppliableSplitTransitions();
        if (index < 0 or index >= (int)transitions.size())
          return std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        return transitions[index]->getCost(config);
    void Transition::initShift()
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      cost = [](const Config & config)
        if (config.hasStack(0) && config.getConst(Config::EOSColName, config.getStack(0), 0) == Config::EOSSymbol1)
          return std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        if (!config.isToken(config.getWordIndex()))
        auto headGovIndex = config.getConst(Config::headColName, config.getWordIndex(), 0);
        int cost = 0;
        for (int i = 0; config.hasStack(i); ++i)
          if (!config.has(0, config.getStack(i), 0))
          auto stackIndex = config.getStack(i);
          auto stackGovIndex = config.getConst(Config::headColName, stackIndex, 0);
          if (stackGovIndex == std::to_string(config.getWordIndex()) || headGovIndex == std::to_string(stackIndex))
    void Transition::initEagerLeft_rel(std::string label)
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      sequence.emplace_back(Action::attach(Config::Object::Buffer, 0, Config::Object::Stack, 0));
      sequence.emplace_back(Action::addHypothesisRelative(Config::deprelColName, Config::Object::Stack, 0, label));
      cost = [label](const Config & config)
        auto stackIndex = config.getStack(0);
        auto wordIndex = config.getWordIndex();
        if (!(config.isToken(stackIndex) && config.isToken(wordIndex)))
          return std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        int cost = 0;
        auto stackGovIndex = config.getConst(Config::headColName, stackIndex, 0);
        for (int i = wordIndex+1; config.has(0, i, 0); ++i)
          if (!config.isToken(i))
          if (config.getConst(Config::EOSColName, i, 0) == Config::EOSSymbol1)
          auto otherGovIndex = config.getConst(Config::headColName, i, 0);
          if (stackGovIndex == std::to_string(i) || otherGovIndex == std::to_string(stackIndex))
        //TODO : Check if this is necessary
        if (stackGovIndex != std::to_string(wordIndex))
        if (label != config.getConst(Config::deprelColName, stackIndex, 0))
        return cost;
    void Transition::initEagerLeft()
      sequence.emplace_back(Action::attach(Config::Object::Buffer, 0, Config::Object::Stack, 0));
      cost = [](const Config & config)
        auto stackIndex = config.getStack(0);
        auto wordIndex = config.getWordIndex();
        if (!(config.isToken(stackIndex) && config.isToken(wordIndex)))
          return std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        int cost = 0;
        auto stackGovIndex = config.getConst(Config::headColName, stackIndex, 0);
        for (int i = wordIndex+1; config.has(0, i, 0); ++i)
          if (!config.isToken(i))
          if (config.getConst(Config::EOSColName, i, 0) == Config::EOSSymbol1)
          auto otherGovIndex = config.getConst(Config::headColName, i, 0);
          if (stackGovIndex == std::to_string(i) || otherGovIndex == std::to_string(stackIndex))
        //TODO : Check if this is necessary
        if (stackGovIndex != std::to_string(wordIndex))
        return cost;
    void Transition::initEagerRight_rel(std::string label)
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      sequence.emplace_back(Action::attach(Config::Object::Stack, 0, Config::Object::Buffer, 0));
      sequence.emplace_back(Action::addHypothesisRelative(Config::deprelColName, Config::Object::Buffer, 0, label));
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      cost = [label](const Config & config)
        auto stackIndex = config.getStack(0);
        auto wordIndex = config.getWordIndex();
        if (!(config.isToken(stackIndex) && config.isToken(wordIndex)))
          return std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        int cost = 0;
        auto bufferGovIndex = config.getConst(Config::headColName, wordIndex, 0);
        for (int i = wordIndex; config.has(0, i, 0); ++i)
          if (!config.isToken(i))
          auto otherGovIndex = config.getConst(Config::headColName, i, 0);
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          if (bufferGovIndex == std::to_string(i))
          if (config.getConst(Config::EOSColName, i, 0) == Config::EOSSymbol1)
        for (int i = 1; config.hasStack(i); ++i)
          if (!config.has(0, config.getStack(i), 0))
          auto otherStackIndex = config.getStack(i);
          auto otherStackGov = config.getConst(Config::headColName, otherStackIndex, 0);
          if (otherStackGov == std::to_string(wordIndex) || bufferGovIndex == std::to_string(otherStackIndex))
        //TODO : Check if this is necessary
        if (bufferGovIndex != std::to_string(stackIndex))
        if (label != config.getConst(Config::deprelColName, wordIndex, 0))
        return cost;
    void Transition::initEagerRight()
      sequence.emplace_back(Action::attach(Config::Object::Stack, 0, Config::Object::Buffer, 0));
      cost = [](const Config & config)
        auto stackIndex = config.getStack(0);
        auto wordIndex = config.getWordIndex();
        if (!(config.isToken(stackIndex) && config.isToken(wordIndex)))
          return std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        int cost = 0;
        auto bufferGovIndex = config.getConst(Config::headColName, wordIndex, 0);
        for (int i = wordIndex; config.has(0, i, 0); ++i)
          if (!config.isToken(i))
          auto otherGovIndex = config.getConst(Config::headColName, i, 0);
          if (bufferGovIndex == std::to_string(i))
          if (config.getConst(Config::EOSColName, i, 0) == Config::EOSSymbol1)
        for (int i = 1; config.hasStack(i); ++i)
          if (!config.has(0, config.getStack(i), 0))
          auto otherStackIndex = config.getStack(i);
          auto otherStackGov = config.getConst(Config::headColName, otherStackIndex, 0);
          if (otherStackGov == std::to_string(wordIndex) || bufferGovIndex == std::to_string(otherStackIndex))
        //TODO : Check if this is necessary
        if (bufferGovIndex != std::to_string(stackIndex))
        return cost;
    void Transition::initReduce_strict()
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      sequence.emplace_back(Action::assertIsNotEmpty(Config::headColName, Config::Object::Stack, 0));
      cost = [](const Config & config)
        if (!config.isToken(config.getStack(0)))
          return 0;
        int cost = 0;
        auto stackIndex = config.getStack(0);
        auto stackGovIndex = config.getConst(Config::headColName, stackIndex, 0);
        for (int i = config.getWordIndex(); config.has(0, i, 0); ++i)
          if (!config.isToken(i))
          auto otherGovIndex = config.getConst(Config::headColName, i, 0);
          if (stackGovIndex == std::to_string(i) || otherGovIndex == std::to_string(stackIndex))
          if (config.getConst(Config::EOSColName, i, 0) == Config::EOSSymbol1)
        if (config.getConst(Config::EOSColName, config.getStack(0), 0) == Config::EOSSymbol1)
        return cost;
    void Transition::initReduce_relaxed()
      cost = [](const Config & config)
          return 0;
        int cost = 0;
        auto stackIndex = config.getStack(0);
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        auto stackGovIndex = config.getConst(Config::headColName, stackIndex, 0);
        for (int i = config.getWordIndex(); config.has(0, i, 0); ++i)
          if (!config.isToken(i))
          auto otherGovIndex = config.getConst(Config::headColName, i, 0);
          if (stackGovIndex == std::to_string(i) || otherGovIndex == std::to_string(stackIndex))
          if (config.getConst(Config::EOSColName, i, 0) == Config::EOSSymbol1)
        if (config.getConst(Config::EOSColName, config.getStack(0), 0) == Config::EOSSymbol1)
        return cost;
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    void Transition::initEOS(int bufferIndex)
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      sequence.emplace_back(Action::addHypothesisRelative(Config::EOSColName, Config::Object::Buffer, bufferIndex, Config::EOSSymbol1));
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      cost = [bufferIndex](const Config & config)
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        int lineIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(Config::Buffer, bufferIndex);
        if (config.getConst(Config::EOSColName, lineIndex, 0) != Config::EOSSymbol1)
          return std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
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        return 0;
    void Transition::initDeprel(std::string label)
      cost = [label](const Config & config)
        return config.getConst(Config::deprelColName, config.getLastAttached(), 0) == label ? 0 : 1;