The PARSEME-FR annotated corpus adds an extra annotation layer for multiword expressions (MWEs) and named entites (NE) on top of the French [Sequoia treebank](https://deep-sequoia.inria.fr/). It is released using a variant of the [PARSEME Shared task 2018](http://multiword.sourceforge.net/sharedtask2018) format, called _cupt_ (short for **C**onll-**U**+**P**arseme-**T**sv). Here we give a minimal description of this format, so that the documentation is self-contained. Please refer to the [cupt format description page](multiword.sourceforge.net/cupt-format) for details. Since _cupt_ is based on Conll-U, please also check the Universal Dependencies [Conll-U format description page](universaldependencies.org/format) and the recommendations for [Conll-U Plus extended format](http://universaldependencies.org/ext-format.html), which we aim to be compatible with.
In short, a _cupt_ file contains splitted sentences, each represented with one token per line, blank lines separating sentences, and comments preceded by hashes (#) to add sentence meta-data such as raw text and sentence IDs. The first line of the _cupt_ file contains special metadata listing the names of each column. Each token on a line contains 11 columns, corresponding to linguistic information about the token's form, morphology and syntax (ID, FORM, LEMMA, UPOS, etc). Documentation about the 10 first columns can be found **[here >> MARIE insert link <<](XXX)**. The 11th column contains MWE annotation in PARSEME, and we extend it to also represent EN information in PARSEME-FR as detailed below. Therefore, the name of this column in the header metadata is _PARSEME-FR:MWE_ instead of _PARSEME:MWE_.
In short, a _cupt_ file contains splitted sentences, each represented with one token per line, blank lines separating sentences, and comments preceded by hashes (#) to add sentence meta-data such as raw text and sentence IDs. The first line of the _cupt_ file contains special metadata listing the names of each column. Each token on a line contains 11 columns, corresponding to linguistic information about the token's form, morphology and syntax (ID, FORM, LEMMA, UPOS, etc). Tokens roughly correspond to words, except for contractions represented as ranges (see UD's [tokenisation guide](http://universaldependencies.org/u/overview/tokenization.html) and PARSEME's page on [words and tokens](http://parsemefr.lif.univ-mrs.fr/parseme-st-guidelines/1.1/?page=wordsandtokens)). Documentation about the 10 first columns can be found **[here >> MARIE insert link <<](XXX)**. The 11th column contains MWE annotation in PARSEME, and we extend it to also represent EN information in PARSEME-FR as detailed below. Therefore, the name of this column in the header metadata is _PARSEME-FR:MWE_ instead of _PARSEME:MWE_.
Similarly to _PARSEME:MWE_, the information in the 11th column _PARSEME-FR:MWE_ contains one of the following three options:
1. an asterisk '*' for words that are not part of a MWE/NE and for multiword tokens (e.g. _2-3 du_)
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