###### Firoj Alam ######
###### SIS Lab, University of Trento, Trento, Italy ######
###### Mood Prediction system from articles and comments ######
###### Mood type include Amused, Disappointed, Indignant, Satisfied and Worried ######

Update: 18 March, 2016. 

Java 7

## Run classifier to annotate comment and/or article
java -classpath Sensei.jar com.sensei.socialmedia.ml.classifier.text.AnnotatorPipeline -i json_list_all.txt -c config_mood.txt -m b -d ./data/json
java -classpath Sensei.jar com.sensei.socialmedia.ml.classifier.text.AnnotatorPipeline -i sample/26317629333331569012339992531.json -c config_mood.txt -d ./data/json

Input: There are two options as follows, 
- A single json file with .json extension
- A file containing a list of json files with full path. Please see the json_list_all.txt file.

json file in a chosen directory

## Classifiers' performance
Please see the predicted system's results in results/Mood_prediction_18March2016_V0.2.pdf