from typing import Union, Tuple import soundfile as sf import torch from torch import nn from torch.utils import data import numpy as np from scipy.signal import resample def collate_fn(batch): batch = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, batch)) return class Dataset(data.Dataset): def __init__(self, df, audiopath, sr, sampleDur, retType=False): super(Dataset, self) self.audiopath, self.df, self.retType,, self.sampleDur = audiopath, df, retType, sr, sampleDur def __len__(self): return len(self.df) def __getitem__(self, idx): row = self.df.iloc[idx] info = dur, fs = info.duration, info.samplerate start = int(np.clip(row.pos - self.sampleDur/2, 0, max(0, dur - self.sampleDur)) * fs) sig, fs =, start=start, stop=start + int(self.sampleDur*fs)) if sig.ndim == 2: sig = sig[:,0] if len(sig) < self.sampleDur * fs: sig = np.concatenate([sig, np.zeros(int(self.sampleDur * fs) - len(sig))]) if fs != sig = resample(sig, int(len(sig)/fs* if np.std(sig) == 0: print('wrong sig '+str( if self.retType: return torch.Tensor(norm(sig)).float(),, row.label else: return torch.Tensor(norm(sig)).float(), def norm(arr): return (arr - np.mean(arr) ) / np.std(arr) class Flatten(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(Flatten, self).__init__() def forward(self, x): return x.view(x.shape[0], -1) class Reshape(nn.Module): def __init__(self, *shape): super(Reshape, self).__init__() self.shape = shape def forward(self, x): return x.reshape(x.shape[0], *self.shape) class Croper2D(nn.Module): def __init__(self, *shape): super(Croper2D, self).__init__() self.shape = shape def forward(self, x): return x[:,:,:self.shape[0],:self.shape[1]] class VQ(nn.Module): """ Quantization layer from *Neural Discrete Representation Learning* Args: latent_dim (int): number of features along which to quantize num_tokens (int): number of tokens in the codebook dim (int): dimension along which to quantize return_indices (bool): whether to return the indices of the quantized code points """ embedding: nn.Embedding dim: int commitment: float initialized: torch.Tensor return_indices: bool init_mode: str def __init__(self, latent_dim: int, num_tokens: int, dim: int = 1, commitment: float = 0.25, init_mode: str = 'normal', return_indices: bool = True, max_age: int = 1000): super(VQ, self).__init__() self.embedding = nn.Embedding(num_tokens, latent_dim) nn.init.normal_(self.embedding.weight, 0, 1.1) self.dim = dim self.commitment = commitment self.register_buffer('initialized', torch.Tensor([0])) self.return_indices = return_indices assert init_mode in ['normal', 'first'] self.init_mode = init_mode self.register_buffer('age', torch.empty(num_tokens).fill_(max_age)) self.max_age = max_age def update_usage(self, indices): with torch.no_grad(): self.age += 1 if torch.distributed.is_initialized(): n_gpu = torch.distributed.get_world_size() all_indices = [torch.empty_like(indices) for _ in range(n_gpu)] torch.distributed.all_gather(all_indices, indices) indices = used = torch.unique(indices) self.age[used] = 0 def resample_dead(self, x): with torch.no_grad(): dead = torch.nonzero(self.age > self.max_age, as_tuple=True)[0] if len(dead) == 0: return print(f'{len(dead)} dead codes resampled') x_flat = x.view(-1, x.shape[-1]) emb_weight = emb_weight[dead[:len(x_flat)]] = x_flat[torch.randperm( len(x_flat))[:len(dead)]].to(emb_weight.dtype) self.age[dead[:len(x_flat)]] = 0 if torch.distributed.is_initialized(): torch.distributed.broadcast(emb_weight, 0) def forward( self, x: torch.Tensor ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]: """ Forward pass Args: x (tensor): input tensor Returns: quantized tensor, or (quantized tensor, indices) if `self.return_indices` """ dim = self.dim nb_codes = self.embedding.weight.shape[0] codebook = self.embedding.weight if (self.init_mode == 'first' and self.initialized.item() == 0 and n_proto = self.embedding.weight.shape[0] ch_first = x.transpose(dim, -1).contiguous().view(-1, x.shape[dim]) n_samples = ch_first.shape[0] idx = torch.randint(0, n_samples, (n_proto,))[:nb_codes][idx]) self.initialized[:] = 1 needs_transpose = dim != -1 or dim != x.dim() - 1 if needs_transpose: x = x.transpose(-1, dim).contiguous() if self.resample_dead(x) codes, indices = quantize(x, codebook, self.commitment, self.dim) if self.update_usage(indices) if needs_transpose: codes = codes.transpose(-1, dim) indices = indices.transpose(-1, dim) if self.return_indices: return codes, indices else: return codes from torch.autograd import Function class VectorQuantization(Function): @staticmethod def compute_indices(inputs_orig, codebook): bi = [] SZ = 10000 for i in range(0, inputs_orig.size(0), SZ): inputs = inputs_orig[i:i + SZ] # NxK distances_matrix = torch.cdist(inputs, codebook) # Nx1 indic = torch.min(distances_matrix, dim=-1)[1].unsqueeze(1) bi.append(indic) return, dim=0) @staticmethod def flatten(x): code_dim = x.size(-1) return x.view(-1, code_dim) @staticmethod def restore_shapes(codes, indices, target_shape): idx_shape = list(target_shape) idx_shape[-1] = 1 return codes.view(*target_shape), indices.view(*idx_shape) @staticmethod def forward(ctx, inputs, codebook, commitment=0.25, dim=1): inputs_flat = VectorQuantization.flatten(inputs) indices = VectorQuantization.compute_indices(inputs_flat, codebook) codes = codebook[indices.view(-1), :] codes, indices = VectorQuantization.restore_shapes( codes, indices, inputs.shape) ctx.save_for_backward(codes, inputs, torch.tensor([float(commitment)]), codebook, indices) ctx.mark_non_differentiable(indices) return codes, indices @staticmethod def backward(ctx, straight_through, unused_indices): codes, inputs, beta, codebook, indices = ctx.saved_tensors # TODO: figure out proper vq loss reduction # vq_loss = F.mse_loss(inputs, codes).detach() # gradient of vq_loss diff = 2 * (inputs - codes) / inputs.numel() commitment = beta.item() * diff code_disp = VectorQuantization.flatten(-diff) indices = VectorQuantization.flatten(indices) code_disp = (torch.zeros_like(codebook).index_add_( 0, indices.view(-1), code_disp)) return straight_through + commitment, code_disp, None, None quantize = VectorQuantization.apply