import torch import sys from Util import isEmpty ################################################################################ # Input : b=buffer s=stack .0=governor .x=rightChild#x+1 .-x=leftChild#-x-1 # Output : list of sentence indexes pointing to elements of featureFunction # Special output values : # -1 : Out of bounds # -2 : Not in stack # -3 : No dependent left # -4 : No dependent right # -5 : No gov # -6 : Not seen # If incremental is true, only words that have been 'seen' (at wordIndex) can be used # others will be marked as not seen. def extractIndexes(config, featureFunction, incremental) : features = featureFunction.split() res = [] for feature in features : splited = feature.split('.') obj = splited[0] index = int(splited[1]) if obj == "b" : index = config.wordIndex + index if index not in (range(len(config.lines))) : index = -1 elif obj == "s" : if index not in range(len(config.stack)) : index = -2 else : index = config.stack[-1-index] if incremental and index > config.maxWordIndex : index = -6 for depIndex in map(int,splited[2:]) : if index < 0 : break if depIndex == 0 : head = config.getAsFeature(index, "HEAD") if isEmpty(head) : index = -5 else : index = int(head) continue if depIndex > 0 : rightChilds = [child for child in config.predChilds[index] if child > index] if depIndex-1 in range(len(rightChilds)) : index = rightChilds[depIndex-1] else : index = -4 else : leftChilds = [child for child in config.predChilds[index] if child < index] if abs(depIndex)-1 in range(len(leftChilds)) : index = leftChilds[abs(depIndex)-1] else : index = -3 res.append(index) return res ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # For each element of the feature function and for each column, concatenante the dict index def extractColsFeatures(dicts, config, featureFunction, cols, incremental) : specialValues = {-1 : dicts.oobToken, -2 : dicts.noStackToken, -3 : dicts.noDepLeft, -4 : dicts.noDepRight, -5 : dicts.noGov, -6 : dicts.notSeen} indexes = extractIndexes(config, featureFunction, incremental) totalSize = len(cols)*len(indexes) result = torch.zeros(totalSize, insertIndex = 0 for col in cols : for index in indexes : if index < 0 : result[insertIndex] = dicts.get(col, specialValues[index]) insertIndex += 1 else : value = config.getAsFeature(index, col) if isEmpty(value) : value = dicts.nullToken result[insertIndex] = dicts.get(col, value) insertIndex += 1 if insertIndex != totalSize : raise(Exception("Missing features")) return result ################################################################################ ################################################################################ def extractHistoryFeatures(dicts, config, nbElements) : result = torch.zeros(nbElements, for i in range(nbElements) : name = str(config.history[-i]) if i in range(len(config.history)) else dicts.nullToken result[i] = dicts.get("HISTORY", name) return result ################################################################################