#include <fmt/core.h> #include "Config.hpp" #include "util.hpp" Config::Config(const Utf8String & rawInput) : rawInput(rawInput) { } std::size_t Config::getIndexOfLine(int lineIndex) const { return lineIndex * getNbColumns() * (nbHypothesesMax+1); } std::size_t Config::getIndexOfCol(int colIndex) const { return colIndex * (nbHypothesesMax+1); } void Config::addLines(unsigned int nbLines) { lines.resize(lines.size() + nbLines*getNbColumns()*(nbHypothesesMax+1)); } void Config::resizeLines(unsigned int nbLines) { lines.resize(nbLines*getNbColumns()*(nbHypothesesMax+1)); } bool Config::has(int colIndex, int lineIndex, int hypothesisIndex) const { return colIndex >= 0 && colIndex < (int)getNbColumns() && lineIndex >= (int)getFirstLineIndex() && lineIndex < (int)getFirstLineIndex() + (int)getNbLines() && hypothesisIndex >= 0 && hypothesisIndex < nbHypothesesMax+1; } bool Config::has(const std::string & colName, int lineIndex, int hypothesisIndex) const { return hasColIndex(colName) && has(getColIndex(colName), lineIndex, hypothesisIndex); } Config::String & Config::get(const std::string & colName, int lineIndex, int hypothesisIndex) { return get(getColIndex(colName), lineIndex, hypothesisIndex); } const Config::String & Config::getConst(const std::string & colName, int lineIndex, int hypothesisIndex) const { return getConst(getColIndex(colName), lineIndex, hypothesisIndex); } Config::String & Config::get(int colIndex, int lineIndex, int hypothesisIndex) { return *getIterator(colIndex, lineIndex, hypothesisIndex); } const Config::String & Config::getConst(int colIndex, int lineIndex, int hypothesisIndex) const { return *getConstIterator(colIndex, lineIndex, hypothesisIndex); } std::size_t Config::getNbLines() const { return lines.size() / getIndexOfCol(getNbColumns()); } void Config::print(FILE * dest) const { for (unsigned int line = 0; line < getNbLines(); line++) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getNbColumns()-1; i++) fmt::print(dest, "{}{}", getLastNotEmptyConst(i, getFirstLineIndex()+line), i < getNbColumns()-2 ? "\t" : "\n"); if (getLastNotEmptyConst(EOSColName, getFirstLineIndex()+line) == EOSSymbol1) fmt::print(dest, "\n"); } } void Config::printForDebug(FILE * dest) const { static constexpr int windowSize = 5; int firstLineToPrint = wordIndex; int lastLineToPrint = wordIndex; while (wordIndex-firstLineToPrint < windowSize and has(0, firstLineToPrint, 0)) --firstLineToPrint; while (lastLineToPrint - wordIndex < windowSize and has(0, lastLineToPrint, 0)) ++lastLineToPrint; std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> toPrint; for (int line = firstLineToPrint; line <= lastLineToPrint; line++) { toPrint.emplace_back(); toPrint.back().emplace_back(line == (int)wordIndex ? "=>" : ""); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getNbColumns(); i++) toPrint.back().emplace_back(getLastNotEmptyConst(i, line)); } std::vector<std::size_t> colLength(toPrint[0].size(), 0); for (auto & line : toPrint) for (unsigned int col = 0; col < line.size()-1; col++) colLength[col] = std::max((int)colLength[col], util::printedLength(line[col])); for (auto & line : toPrint) { for (unsigned int col = 0; col < line.size()-1; col++) if (col == 0) fmt::print(dest, "{:>{}}", line[col], colLength[col]); else fmt::print(dest, "{:<{}}{}", line[col], colLength[col], col == line.size()-2 ? "\n" : "\t"); if (line.back() == EOSSymbol1) fmt::print(dest, "\n"); } } Config::String & Config::getLastNotEmpty(int colIndex, int lineIndex) { int baseIndex = getIndexOfLine(lineIndex-getFirstLineIndex()) + getIndexOfCol(colIndex); for (int i = nbHypothesesMax; i > 0; --i) if (!util::isEmpty(lines[baseIndex+i])) return lines[baseIndex+i]; return lines[baseIndex]; } const Config::String & Config::getLastNotEmptyConst(int colIndex, int lineIndex) const { int baseIndex = getIndexOfLine(lineIndex-getFirstLineIndex()) + getIndexOfCol(colIndex); for (int i = nbHypothesesMax; i > 0; --i) if (!util::isEmpty(lines[baseIndex+i])) return lines[baseIndex+i]; return lines[baseIndex]; } Config::String & Config::getLastNotEmpty(const std::string & colName, int lineIndex) { return getLastNotEmpty(getColIndex(colName), lineIndex); } const Config::String & Config::getLastNotEmptyConst(const std::string & colName, int lineIndex) const { return getLastNotEmptyConst(getColIndex(colName), lineIndex); } Config::ValueIterator Config::getIterator(int colIndex, int lineIndex, int hypothesisIndex) { return lines.begin() + getIndexOfLine(lineIndex-getFirstLineIndex()) + getIndexOfCol(colIndex) + hypothesisIndex; } Config::ConstValueIterator Config::getConstIterator(int colIndex, int lineIndex, int hypothesisIndex) const { return lines.begin() + getIndexOfLine(lineIndex-getFirstLineIndex()) + getIndexOfCol(colIndex) + hypothesisIndex; } void Config::addToHistory(const Config::String & transition) { history.push_back(transition); }