#include "Action.hpp" #include "Transition.hpp" Action::Action(Action::Type type, std::function<void(Config & config, Action & action)> apply, std::function<void(Config & config, Action & action)> undo, std::function<bool(const Config & config, const Action & action)> appliable) { this->type = type; this->apply = apply; this->undo = undo; this->appliable = appliable; } Action Action::addLinesIfNeeded(int nbLines) { auto apply = [nbLines](Config & config, Action &) { while (!config.has(0, config.getWordIndex()+nbLines, 0)) config.addLines(1); }; auto undo = [](Config &, Action &) { }; auto appliable = [](const Config &, const Action &) { return true; }; return {Type::AddLines, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::moveWordIndex(int movement) { auto apply = [movement](Config & config, Action &) { config.moveWordIndex(movement); }; auto undo = [movement](Config & config, Action &) { config.moveWordIndex(-movement); }; auto appliable = [movement](const Config & config, const Action &) { return config.canMoveWordIndex(movement); }; return {Type::MoveWord, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::setMultiwordIds(int multiwordSize) { auto apply = [multiwordSize](Config & config, Action & a) { addHypothesisRelative(Config::idColName, Config::Object::Buffer, 0, fmt::format("{}-{}", config.getCurrentWordId()+1, config.getCurrentWordId()+multiwordSize)).apply(config, a); for (int i = 0; i < multiwordSize; i++) { addHypothesisRelative(Config::idColName, Config::Object::Buffer, i+1, fmt::format("{}", config.getCurrentWordId()+1+i)).apply(config, a); addHypothesisRelative(Config::isMultiColName, Config::Object::Buffer, i+1, Config::EOSSymbol1).apply(config, a); } }; auto undo = [multiwordSize](Config & config, Action &) { config.getLastNotEmpty(Config::idColName, config.getWordIndex()) = ""; for (int i = 0; i < multiwordSize; i++) config.getLastNotEmpty(Config::idColName, config.getWordIndex()+1+i) = ""; }; auto appliable = [](const Config &, const Action &) { return true; }; return {Type::Write, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::consumeCharacterIndex(util::utf8string consumed) { auto apply = [consumed](Config & config, Action &) { config.moveCharacterIndex(consumed.size()); }; auto undo = [consumed](Config & config, Action &) { config.moveCharacterIndex(-consumed.size()); }; auto appliable = [consumed](const Config & config, const Action &) { if (!config.canMoveCharacterIndex(consumed.size())) return false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < consumed.size(); i++) if (!config.hasCharacter(config.getCharacterIndex()+i) or config.getLetter(config.getCharacterIndex()+i) != consumed[i]) return false; return true; }; return {Type::MoveWord, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::moveCharacterIndex(int movement) { auto apply = [movement](Config & config, Action &) { config.moveCharacterIndex(movement); }; auto undo = [movement](Config & config, Action &) { config.moveCharacterIndex(-movement); }; auto appliable = [movement](const Config & config, const Action &) { return config.canMoveCharacterIndex(movement); }; return {Type::MoveChar, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::addHypothesis(const std::string & colName, std::size_t lineIndex, const std::string & hypothesis) { auto apply = [colName, lineIndex, hypothesis](Config & config, Action &) { config.getFirstEmpty(colName, lineIndex) = hypothesis; }; auto undo = [colName, lineIndex](Config & config, Action &) { config.getLastNotEmpty(colName, lineIndex) = ""; }; auto appliable = [](const Config &, const Action &) { return true; }; return {Type::Write, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::addToHypothesis(const std::string & colName, std::size_t lineIndex, const std::string & addition) { auto apply = [colName, lineIndex, addition](Config & config, Action &) { auto & current = config.getLastNotEmptyHyp(colName, lineIndex); current = util::isEmpty(current) ? addition : current.get() + '|' + addition; }; auto undo = [colName, lineIndex](Config & config, Action &) { std::string newValue = config.getLastNotEmpty(colName, lineIndex); while (!newValue.empty() and newValue.back() == '|') newValue.pop_back(); if (!newValue.empty()) newValue.pop_back(); config.getLastNotEmpty(colName, lineIndex) = newValue; }; auto appliable = [colName, lineIndex, addition](const Config & config, const Action &) { if (!config.has(colName, lineIndex, 0)) return false; auto & current = config.getLastNotEmptyHypConst(colName, lineIndex); auto splited = util::split(current.get(), '|'); for (auto & part : splited) if (part == addition) return false; return true; }; return {Type::Write, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::addToHypothesisRelative(const std::string & colName, Config::Object object, int relativeIndex, const std::string & addition) { auto apply = [colName, object, relativeIndex, addition](Config & config, Action & a) { int lineIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(object, relativeIndex); return addToHypothesis(colName, lineIndex, addition).apply(config, a); }; auto undo = [colName, object, relativeIndex](Config & config, Action & a) { int lineIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(object, relativeIndex); return addToHypothesis(colName, lineIndex, "").undo(config, a); }; auto appliable = [colName, object, relativeIndex, addition](const Config & config, const Action & a) { if (!config.hasRelativeWordIndex(object, relativeIndex)) return false; int lineIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(object, relativeIndex); return addToHypothesis(colName, lineIndex, addition).appliable(config, a); }; return {Type::Write, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::addHypothesisRelative(const std::string & colName, Config::Object object, int relativeIndex, const std::string & hypothesis) { auto apply = [colName, object, relativeIndex, hypothesis](Config & config, Action & a) { int lineIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(object, relativeIndex); return addHypothesis(colName, lineIndex, hypothesis).apply(config, a); }; auto undo = [colName, object, relativeIndex](Config & config, Action & a) { int lineIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(object, relativeIndex); return addHypothesis(colName, lineIndex, "").undo(config, a); }; auto appliable = [colName, object, relativeIndex](const Config & config, const Action & a) { if (!config.hasRelativeWordIndex(object, relativeIndex)) return false; int lineIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(object, relativeIndex); return addHypothesis(colName, lineIndex, "").appliable(config, a); }; return {Type::Write, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::pushWordIndexOnStack() { auto apply = [](Config & config, Action & a) { if (config.isTokenPredicted(config.getWordIndex())) { a.data.emplace_back(); config.addToStack(config.getWordIndex()); } }; auto undo = [](Config & config, Action & a) { if (!a.data.empty()) { config.popStack(); a.data.pop_back(); } }; auto appliable = [](const Config & config, const Action &) { if (config.hasStack(0) and config.getStack(0) == config.getWordIndex()) return false; if (config.hasStack(0) and !config.isTokenPredicted(config.getStack(0))) return false; return (int)config.getWordIndex() != config.getLastPoppedStack(); }; return {Type::Push, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::popStack(int relIndex) { auto apply = [relIndex](Config & config, Action & a) { auto toSave = config.getStack(relIndex); a.data.push_back(std::to_string(toSave)); for (int i = 0; relIndex-1-i >= 0; i++) config.swapStack(relIndex-i, relIndex-1-i); config.popStack(); }; auto undo = [relIndex](Config & config, Action & a) { config.addToStack(std::stoi(a.data.back())); for (int i = 0; i+1 <= relIndex; i++) config.swapStack(i, i+1); }; auto appliable = [relIndex](const Config & config, const Action &) { return config.hasStack(relIndex) and config.getStack(relIndex) != config.getWordIndex(); }; return {Type::Pop, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::endWord() { auto apply = [](Config & config, Action & a) { config.setCurrentWordId(config.getCurrentWordId()+1); addHypothesisRelative(Config::idColName, Config::Object::Buffer, 0, std::to_string(config.getCurrentWordId())).apply(config, a); if (!config.rawInputOnlySeparatorsLeft() and !config.has(0,config.getWordIndex()+1,0)) config.addLines(1); }; auto undo = [](Config & config, Action &) { config.setCurrentWordId(config.getCurrentWordId()-1); config.getLastNotEmpty(Config::idColName, config.getWordIndex()) = ""; }; auto appliable = [](const Config & config, const Action &) { if (util::isEmpty(config.getAsFeature("FORM", config.getWordIndex()))) return false; if (!util::isEmpty(config.getAsFeature(Config::idColName, config.getWordIndex())) and config.getAsFeature(Config::isMultiColName, config.getWordIndex()) != Config::EOSSymbol1) return false; return true; }; return {Type::Write, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::emptyStack() { auto apply = [](Config & config, Action & a) { while (config.hasStack(0)) { a.data.push_back(std::to_string(config.getStack(0))); config.popStack(); } }; auto undo = [](Config & config, Action & a) { while (a.data.size()) { config.addToStack(std::stoi(a.data.back())); a.data.pop_back(); } }; auto appliable = [](const Config & config, const Action &) { return true; }; return {Type::Pop, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::ignoreCurrentCharacter() { auto apply = [](Config & config, Action & a) { config.moveCharacterIndex(1); }; auto undo = [](Config & config, Action & a) { config.moveCharacterIndex(-1); }; auto appliable = [](const Config & config, const Action &) { return config.hasCharacter(config.getCharacterIndex()) and util::isSeparator(config.getLetter(config.getCharacterIndex())) and config.canMoveCharacterIndex(1); }; return {Type::MoveChar, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::assertIsEmpty(const std::string & colName, Config::Object object, int relativeIndex) { auto apply = [](Config &, Action &) { }; auto undo = [](Config &, Action &) { }; auto appliable = [colName, object, relativeIndex](const Config & config, const Action &) { auto lineIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(object, relativeIndex); return util::isEmpty(config.getAsFeature(colName, lineIndex)); }; return {Type::Check, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::assertIsNotEmpty(const std::string & colName, Config::Object object, int relativeIndex) { auto apply = [](Config &, Action &) { }; auto undo = [](Config &, Action &) { }; auto appliable = [colName, object, relativeIndex](const Config & config, const Action &) { auto lineIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(object, relativeIndex); return !util::isEmpty(config.getAsFeature(colName, lineIndex)); }; return {Type::Check, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::addCurCharToCurWord() { auto apply = [](Config & config, Action & a) { auto & curWord = config.getLastNotEmptyHyp("FORM", config.getWordIndex()); curWord = fmt::format("{}{}", curWord, config.getLetter(config.getCharacterIndex())); }; auto undo = [](Config & config, Action & a) { auto & curWord = config.getLastNotEmptyHyp("FORM", config.getWordIndex()); std::string newWord = curWord; unsigned int nbToPop = fmt::format("{}", config.getLetter(config.getCharacterIndex())).size(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbToPop; i++) newWord.pop_back(); curWord = newWord; }; auto appliable = [](const Config & config, const Action &) { if (!config.hasCharacter(config.getCharacterIndex())) return false; auto letter = config.getLetter(config.getCharacterIndex()); if (letter == ' ') return !util::isEmpty(config.getAsFeature("FORM", config.getWordIndex())); return !util::isIllegal(letter); }; return {Type::Write, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::setRoot(int bufferIndex) { auto apply = [bufferIndex](Config & config, Action & a) { int lineIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(Config::Object::Buffer, bufferIndex); int rootIndex = -1; for (int i = lineIndex; true; --i) { if (!config.has(0, i, 0)) { if (i < 0) break; util::myThrow("The current sentence is too long to be completly held by the data strucure. Consider increasing SubConfig::SpanSize"); } if (!config.isTokenPredicted(i)) continue; if (config.getAsFeature(Config::EOSColName, i) == Config::EOSSymbol1) break; if (util::isEmpty(config.getAsFeature(Config::headColName, i))) { rootIndex = i; a.data.push_back(std::to_string(i)); } } for (int i = lineIndex; true; --i) { if (!config.has(0, i, 0)) { if (i < 0) break; util::myThrow("The current sentence is too long to be completly held by the data strucure. Consider increasing SubConfig::SpanSize"); } if (!config.isTokenPredicted(i)) continue; if (config.getAsFeature(Config::EOSColName, i) == Config::EOSSymbol1) break; if (util::isEmpty(config.getAsFeature(Config::headColName, i))) { if (i == rootIndex) { config.getFirstEmpty(Config::headColName, i) = "0"; config.getFirstEmpty(Config::deprelColName, i) = "root"; } else { config.getFirstEmpty(Config::headColName, i) = std::to_string(rootIndex); } } } }; auto undo = [](Config & config, Action & a) { while (a.data.size()) { config.getLastNotEmptyHyp(Config::headColName, std::stoi(a.data.back())) = ""; a.data.pop_back(); } }; auto appliable = [bufferIndex](const Config & config, const Action &) { int lineIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(Config::Object::Buffer, bufferIndex); return config.has(0,lineIndex,0) and config.isTokenPredicted(lineIndex) and config.getAsFeature(Config::isMultiColName, lineIndex) != Config::EOSSymbol1; }; return {Type::Write, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::updateIds(int bufferIndex) { auto apply = [bufferIndex](Config & config, Action & a) { int lineIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(Config::Object::Buffer, bufferIndex); int firstIndexOfSentence = -1; int lastSentId = -1; for (int i = lineIndex; true; --i) { if (!config.has(0, i, 0)) { if (i < 0) break; util::myThrow("The current sentence is too long to be completly held by the data strucure. Consider increasing SubConfig::SpanSize"); } if (config.isComment(i) || config.isEmptyNode(i)) continue; if (config.getLastNotEmptyHypConst(Config::EOSColName, i) == Config::EOSSymbol1) { lastSentId = std::stoi(config.getAsFeature(Config::sentIdColName, i)); break; } firstIndexOfSentence = i; } if (firstIndexOfSentence < 0) util::myThrow("could not find any token in current sentence"); for (int i = firstIndexOfSentence, currentId = 1; i <= lineIndex; ++i) { if (config.isComment(i) || config.isEmptyNode(i)) continue; if (config.isMultiwordPredicted(i)) config.getFirstEmpty(Config::idColName, i) = fmt::format("{}-{}", currentId, currentId+config.getMultiwordSizePredicted(i)); else config.getFirstEmpty(Config::idColName, i) = fmt::format("{}", currentId++); config.getFirstEmpty(Config::sentIdColName, i) = fmt::format("{}", lastSentId+1); } }; auto undo = [](Config & config, Action & a) { // TODO : undo this }; auto appliable = [](const Config &, const Action &) { return true; }; return {Type::Write, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::attach(Config::Object governorObject, int governorIndex, Config::Object dependentObject, int dependentIndex) { auto apply = [governorObject, governorIndex, dependentObject, dependentIndex](Config & config, Action & a) { long lineIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(governorObject, governorIndex); long depIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(dependentObject, dependentIndex); addHypothesisRelative(Config::headColName, dependentObject, dependentIndex, std::to_string(lineIndex)).apply(config, a); addToHypothesisRelative(Config::childsColName, governorObject, governorIndex, std::to_string(depIndex)).apply(config, a); a.data.emplace_back(std::to_string(config.getLastAttached())); config.setLastAttached(depIndex); }; auto undo = [governorObject, governorIndex, dependentObject, dependentIndex](Config & config, Action & a) { addHypothesisRelative(Config::headColName, dependentObject, dependentIndex, "").undo(config, a); addToHypothesisRelative(Config::childsColName, governorObject, governorIndex, "").apply(config, a); config.setLastAttached(std::stoi(a.data.back())); a.data.pop_back(); }; auto appliable = [governorObject, governorIndex, dependentObject, dependentIndex](const Config & config, const Action & action) { if (!config.hasRelativeWordIndex(governorObject, governorIndex) or !config.hasRelativeWordIndex(dependentObject, dependentIndex)) return false; long govLineIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(governorObject, governorIndex); long depLineIndex = config.getRelativeWordIndex(dependentObject, dependentIndex); if (!config.isTokenPredicted(govLineIndex) or !config.isTokenPredicted(depLineIndex)) return false; // Check if dep and head belongs to the same sentence if (config.getAsFeature(Config::sentIdColName, govLineIndex) != config.getAsFeature(Config::sentIdColName, depLineIndex)) return false; // Check for cycles while (govLineIndex != depLineIndex) { try { govLineIndex = std::stoi(config.getAsFeature(Config::headColName, govLineIndex)); } catch(std::exception &) {return true;} } return false; }; return {Type::Write, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::split(int index) { auto apply = [index](Config & config, Action &) { Transition * t = config.getAppliableSplitTransitions()[index]; t->apply(config); }; auto undo = [](Config &, Action &) { //TODO : undo this }; auto appliable = [index](const Config & config, const Action &) { auto & transitions = config.getAppliableSplitTransitions(); if (index < 0 or index >= (int)transitions.size()) return false; Transition * t = transitions[index]; return t->appliable(config); }; return {Type::Write, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::setRootUpdateIdsEmptyStackIfSentChanged() { auto apply = [](Config & config, Action & a) { int lineIndex = config.getWordIndex(); int rootIndex = -1; int lastSentId = -1; int firstIndexOfSentence = lineIndex; if (config.getAsFeature(Config::EOSColName, lineIndex) != Config::EOSSymbol1) return; for (int i = lineIndex-1; true; --i) { if (!config.has(0, i, 0)) { if (i < 0) break; util::myThrow("The current sentence is too long to be completly held by the data strucure. Consider increasing SubConfig::SpanSize"); } if (!config.isTokenPredicted(i)) continue; if (config.getAsFeature(Config::EOSColName, i) == Config::EOSSymbol1) { lastSentId = std::stoi(config.getAsFeature(Config::sentIdColName, i)); break; } if (util::isEmpty(config.getAsFeature(Config::headColName, i))) rootIndex = i; firstIndexOfSentence = i; } if (firstIndexOfSentence < 0) util::myThrow("could not find any token in current sentence"); for (int i = firstIndexOfSentence; i <= lineIndex; ++i) { if (!config.has(0, i, 0)) { if (i < 0) break; util::myThrow("The current sentence is too long to be completly held by the data strucure. Consider increasing SubConfig::SpanSize"); } if (!config.isTokenPredicted(i)) continue; if (util::isEmpty(config.getAsFeature(Config::headColName, i))) { if (i == rootIndex) { config.getFirstEmpty(Config::headColName, i) = "0"; config.getFirstEmpty(Config::deprelColName, i) = "root"; } else { config.getFirstEmpty(Config::headColName, i) = std::to_string(rootIndex); } } } for (int i = firstIndexOfSentence, currentId = 1; i <= lineIndex; ++i) { if (config.isComment(i) || config.isEmptyNode(i)) continue; if (config.isMultiwordPredicted(i)) config.getFirstEmpty(Config::idColName, i) = fmt::format("{}-{}", currentId, currentId+config.getMultiwordSizePredicted(i)); else config.getFirstEmpty(Config::idColName, i) = fmt::format("{}", currentId++); config.getFirstEmpty(Config::sentIdColName, i) = fmt::format("{}", lastSentId+1); } while (config.hasStack(0)) config.popStack(); }; auto undo = [](Config & config, Action & a) { //TODO undo this }; auto appliable = [](const Config & config, const Action &) { int lineIndex = config.getWordIndex(); return config.has(0,lineIndex,0); }; return {Type::Write, apply, undo, appliable}; } Action Action::deprel(std::string value) { auto apply = [value](Config & config, Action & a) { addHypothesis(Config::deprelColName, config.getLastAttached(), value).apply(config, a); }; auto undo = [](Config & config, Action & a) { addHypothesis(Config::deprelColName, config.getLastAttached(), "").undo(config, a); }; auto appliable = [](const Config & config, const Action & action) { return config.has(0,config.getLastAttached(),0); }; return {Type::Write, apply, undo, appliable}; }